Preparing Your Home for the Winter



Moving into a new home in Chicago and becoming a first time homeowner brings about a lot of responsibility when it comes to taking care of and providing proper maintenance of your residence.Moving can be a challenge, but a lot of the work comes down to making sure that your home is protected and that you provide the necessary effort to keep in ideal condition.Most people however, overlook the effect that changing seasons and weather can have on a house, as weather can corrode and damage the house in significant and sometimes unforeseen measures.At The Professionals Moving Specialists, wants to make sure that after we help clients move into their new homes, they get the help and knowledge of taking care of the home especially during the rough winter seasons.The best thing to do is by preparing your home for the Winter and to stay vigilant, the following winter tips below will help you stay ready for the upcoming winter season, and the random and debilitating weather that is often associated.

Outdoor Maintenance

-Repair Sidings: Siding stability is important to maintaining the strength and durability of your home.Make sure that your house sidings are properly inspected and that their is no evidence of damage or leakage that could cause potential abrasive damage in the future.If there is damage evident, the typical repair job involves using a primer or sealant in order to ensure that your sidings are waterproof and capable of protection during the rigid winter months.

-Repair roof shingles: The maintenance of roof shingles is also very significant in making sure that your home is properly protected against the ravaging weather experienced during the winter months.If there is evidence of cracking, or other kind of damage make sure to repair the shingles.Roofing nails and cement are effective in sealing and filling in any cracks in your roof shingles.

-Clear brushes and weeds from around your house: During winter storms typically outside brush and weeds are forcibly thrown around causing abrasive damage to the outside of your home.The collective damage can create scrapes and scratches along your house sidings.Make sure to trim all bushes and weeds around your property before the winter season begins.

Indoor Maintenance

-Reinforce Windows: Window screens and the windows themselves can be seriously damaged during the ravaging of winter storms.Tears and rips in window screens can occur as a result of the influx of heavy winds and this can in turn cause damage to the windows themselves.It is recommended that you replace your current window screens with storm windows.

-Check batteries in all alarm systems: Make sure that all of your alarm systems are working fully and efficiently.It is extremely important, especially during instances of heavy winter storms, that all of your alarm systems are working to prepare against any unexpected emergencies that may arise.Make sure that all of the batteries in these systems are fresh, so that in the event of a fire or carbon monoxide link, you are properly protected.

-Store Outdoor Furniture: Outdoor furniture must be stored indoors during the winter season.Winter storms can wreck havoc on all outdoor furniture including tables, chairs, and benches.Make sure that all of your outdoor furniture is stored in a secured area where it will not be damaged by prevalent winter storms.To this effect, also make sure if you have an outdoor pool it is properly drained.

At the Professionals Moving Specialists we want to make sure that you take all of these precautions into consideration, as they are important for preparation against the upcoming winter season.Winter storms can bring about unforeseen complications and damages to your home, and it is important to be properly protected and secure.Just remember that your work is not done simply after you finish moving.Home-ownership is a big responsibility, at we at the Professionals Moving Specialists, want to make sure you’re prepared for that challenge.And to prepare for your big move as a new homeowner Contact The Professionals Moving Specialists, for all your local moving in Chicago Metro Area. has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.8/5 based on 2433 ratings and reviews

Tips for Moving while Pregnant



As daunting as the prospect of moving may seem to most people, it can be especially nerve wracking when you or your loved one is pregnant during moving to a new home in Chicago.The emotional and physical toll can be overwhelming, and it is important to understand that you must take very good care of yourself and remind mindful of your situation, as being pregnant can hamper your ability to do things that may have caused you no trouble before (such as picking up and carrying large boxes).At The Professionals Moving Specialists, we provide moving services in the Chicago area, to help alleviate the physical and emotional stress of moving.However, it is still very important to remain aware of your pregnant state, and avoid any complications that may arise as well as stressful conditions and circumstances.The following guidelines below, are ways to help make the relocation process easier while you are pregnant, and provide tips to ensure a successful and productive moving experience.At The Professionals Moving Specialists, we want to make sure you view these guidelines as helpful tools.

Tips for Moving While Pregnant.

Avoid Stress Inducing Situations

Stress inducing situations can be very harmful to a pregnant woman, as the emotional tolls of stress can sometimes lead to complications and problems during the pregnancy.It is therefore extremely important during the moving process, to separate yourself from stressful situations.Be wary of moving scams and frauds that try and tackle on hidden moving fees and unnecessary costs.Fraudulent moving companies are an example of things to remain vigilant of, and avoid if you want to avoid stress.Always make sure to have a professionally licensed and insured moving company such as The Professionals Moving Specialists, take care of your moving requirements.

Avoid the Physical and Laborious Aspects of Moving

This one is a no brainer.As a pregnant woman you should avoid at all costs the carrying and handling of heavy furniture or equipment, as it can be detrimental to your pregnancy.Strenuous activity should be avoided and you should make sure to not be involved in any of the relative moving of your belongings.It would be in your benefit to inquire if your moving company provides packing and unpacking services, as well as ask a friend to help you in the more physically demanding aspects of the moving process.The includes the dismantling of large furniture, packing of large equipment such as televisions, and all manual moving situations.

Remain Organized

Organization is very critical in any successful moving experience, and can be especially beneficial for pregnant women.Doing things such as researching your moving company to ensure they are professionally licensed, using cost estimators to manage financial moving costs, listing and cataloging your packed items for management, and taking care of all pre-move tasks such as changing mailing address information, can ensure that you avoid the type of overwhelming, stressful situations that can be harmful for a pregnancy.

Move Smartly

As part of this increase in organization is it also important to pack and move smartly, to avoid moving stresses and complications.It is recommended that you give yourself flexibility through time management, to arrange your new home and unpack according to your liking.All physical aspects of this should of course be relegated to your friends, or moving, as you must again avoid all kinds of strenuous activity.Be sure when your belongings are packed into moving vehicles, that the most important items are placed last, thus giving you easy access to them as soon as you enter your new residence.Be sure to label all immediately necessary items beforehand, so that you are aware of which boxes require unpacking as quickly as possible.

Remain Conscious of Your Condition

The most useful advice that we can give, is simply to remain aware of conscious of your condition.Being pregnant means that you are simply not capable of doing the things you were before, and it’s always best to err on the side of caution.Rather than attempt to push yourself to get things done, simply remind yourself of your condition, and remember that it is okay to ask others for help.Throughout the moving process remain aware of all of the stress inducing problems and try to distance yourself from them as much as possible.Organization, time management and attention to details can all help in making sure that you have a successful move that is never to strenuous or difficult.

At the Professionals Moving Specialists, we want to make sure that your moving experience is as stress free as possible. By following all of our mentioned guidelines, we hope that you can ensure for yourself a successful moving experience that alleviates the daunting aspects of the relocation process, to make moving easier for pregnant women.If you are looking for assistance and professional service on your moving in Chicago sure to contact The Professionals Moving Specialists, one of the most trusted named in Chicago moving. has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.8/5 based on 2433 ratings and reviews

Chicago Associations


The Professionals Moving Specialists locally based moving company in Chicago, IL joined association with community. For the Professionals Moving Specialists the participation and involvement is rewarding to those who strive for the improvement of the Chicagoland area.

Not only are we activity involved with our customers and relocation, we are also committed to engaging in causes of the community that allow the greatest diversity of people and organizations to participate.

Because we understand the importance of pets within the family unit, The Professionals Moving Specialists is committed to the causes of both PAWS Chicago Adoption Center and The Anti-Cruelty Society.

Our commitment isn’t just limited to that of the animal lover’s community. We are also active participants in with the NorthCenter Chamber of Commerce, Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce, and Chicago Association of Realtors, as all three have strong goals and commitments the improvement and endeavors of the community.

The Professional Moving Specialists are proud members of Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce, Northcenter Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Association of Realtors, PAWS Chicago Adoption Center, and The Anti-Cruelty Society.

Northcenter Chamber of Commerce is a membership-based organization dedicated to community and business development in the Northcenter neighborhood on Chicago's north side. The mission of the Northcenter Chamber of Commerce is to promote the interests of and secure the well-being of the businesses and neighborhood of the Northcenter community.

Chicago Association of REALTORS® (C.A.R), the “Voice for Real Estate” in Chicago since 1883, represents more than 15,000 members from all real estate specialties including commercial sales, development, property management, appraisal, auctions, and residential sales. Their mission is to help members prosper. Today, C.A.R. services 11,500 members through its two offices and is one of the largest local real estate association boards in the country! The Chicago Association of REALTORS® (C.A.R) array of member programs, products and services are unmatched.

Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce (RVCC) is a nonprofit organization committed to representing Roscoe Village businesses and to advancing the growth and prosperity of the Roscoe Village neighborhood. This year the RVCC expanded its service district to include the area from Belmont to Diversey and Metra tracks to the Chicago River. Their entire service area now includes everything from Addision to Diversey and the Metra tracks to the Chicago River. The Chamber chose to expand its geographic boundaries in order to include a territory that was previously without representation and is poised for growth.

PAWS Chicago Adoption Center is Chicago’s largest no kill humane organization, focused on implementing solutions to end the killing of homeless pets. Since PAWS Chicago's founding in 1997, the number of homeless dogs and cats killed annually has dropped more than 60 percent: from more than 42,000 homeless pets killed in 1997 to under 18,000 killed in 2011. PAWS Chicago is working to build a no kill Chicago - a city where pets are no longer destroyed just because they are homeless. PAWS Chicago will find new homes for more than 5,000 homeless pets this year at the state-of-the-art Lincoln Park Adoption & Humane Center.

The Anti-Cruelty Society (also known as the SPCA of Illinois), founded in 1899, is a private, open-admission, unlimited stay humane society, committed to helping both animals and people. Our programs and services include: Cat and Dog Adoptions - over 5,000 annually; Low or No Cost Spay/Neuter surgeries open to the general public - over 11,000 annually; Cruelty Investigations and Rescue Services - over 2,600 annually; Humane Education and Community Outreach programs - over 25,000 participants annually. Other services include a charity veterinary clinic, dog training classes; a free behavior hotline; and short-term accommodations for emergencies program, providing temporary housing for pets whose owners have been involved in crisis situations, e.g., domestic violence, fire, flood, illness, or foreclosure.

All four organizations are key components to the various communities within Chicago and The Professionals Moving Specialists is proud to be a part of their commitment and in association with each group. has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.8/5 based on 2433 ratings and reviews

What to Do Before You Move Into an Apartment in Chicago

What to Do Before You Move Into an Apartment in Chicago

Now that you have just found an apartment in Chicago, you are more than likely anxious to move into your new home. However, there are many things to consider before you move into your potential apartment that should be addressed before you move in. has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.8/5 based on 2433 ratings and reviews

24 Essential Moving Tips

You have successively found a new place in Chicago to call your home! It’s all perfect and exciting until you realize about how much much you have to move. Below are 24 Essentials Moving Tips by The Professionals Moving Specialists.

Label the Outside of Your Moving Boxes with Not Just Inventory, but the Room the Items Are Likely to Go:



Stay ahead of the game!You can save yourself a lot of time and headaches by simply indicating on the outside of your box what items are inside and in what room these items will be going.

Pack an Overnight Bag with First Day Essentials:



The day that you move in, there will be items that you will likely need right away (food, toothbrush, soap, toilet paper!)Make sure you pack an overnight bag that you keep on you so that you are prepared for that first day.

When Packing Silverware Such as Plates, Pack Them Vertically Rather than Horizontally:



Packing plates vertically can help to prevent any kind of damage as opposed to horizontal placement, where plates are more prone to moving around in transit.

Try to Clean the New Residence before the Move:



This is something most people forget to consider, and they just move in without realizing that they will in fact be spending the night.Make sure to clean all rooms, especially bathrooms, to make sure that it is decent and ready for your arrival.Don’t wait till after the move, as you will only be exhausted and will hate yourself for not thinking about it sooner!

Use a Garbage Bag for clothing :



This might sound absurd but I have friend that moves many times that swearby the garbage bag for packingkeeps your clothes on their hangers, for much faster unpacking.

Label Any Small pieces and Parts and place in a small press and seal bag:



This one is also sort of a no brainier, but still many people make this mistake.If you had to disassemble anything, make sure that you keep all of the screws and other items together, and label them so that you know what they belong to.The best thing to do is place them in a plastic bag, label them, and tape them together, so that you know what goes with what.

Take Photographs of Hard to Assemble Items:



Keeping photos of hard to assemble items is an effective way of reminding yourself how something fit together before you disassembled it for your move.This can apply to furniture, electronics and hardware.

Use Reusable Plastic Moving Boxes as Opposed to Cardboard:

moving boxes in Chicago

moving boxes in Chicago

Reusable plastic is much more efficient than standard cardboard for moving.It is more durable, water proof, and contributes no waste products to the environment.Essentially you’ll be going green, and making things easier for yourself in the process.

Vacuum Seal Clothing For Easier Packing and Transport:

vacuumsealclothing for moving

vacuumsealclothing for moving

This is an ingenious maneuver to make packing a lot easier.Simply vacuum seal your clothing before packing, and you can maximize the amount of storage space you can use for your move.HOWEVER, always remember that while you may be conserving space, the weight is still the same, so don’t think that by vacuum sealing and packing clothes it somehow makes it weigh less.It does not.Always consider the weight!

For Fragile, Antique, and Piano Moving, It’s Best to Hire a professionals moving company:



Moving can be a very difficult process and if you are inexperienced you could end up damaging your valuable and antique belongings.In regards to moving these significant items, its within your best interest to hire a professional mover that deals in antique, fine art and piano moving.Some even offer climate controlled vehicles and storage facilities.

Hire a sitter for your pets or kids:



Living in the city of Chicago, IL and moving without any help from neighbors or friends or family. Hire a sitter on your moving day, last thing you need to worry about on moving day is where your kids or pets.

Make Sure Everything Is Packed Before You Begin Moving!:



I don’t think this one needs to be explained

Make Sure You Inform the Post Office of Your Change Of Address Prior to Moving:



Be sure to inform the post office of your change of address, otherwise your mail will be sent to your previous address, and this can be potentially harmful when you consider the bills that you will not be receiving because you forgot.

Bring Dental and Medical Records With You Or Have Them Transferred Along With Any Other Important Documentation:



This one is also pretty straightforward, just keep in mind these items are important in your new residence.

Enroll Your Children in Their New Designated School Before Moving:



Make sure that you know what school your child will be zoned to attend, and be sure that you have them enrolled before you begin your move.It is important that you don’t have you child miss any necessary amount of time from school!

Sell Or Donate Your Unused Items:



If you know that there are items that you will not be taking with you, properly dispose of them, sell them or donate them.Any perishable items must be either recycled or disposed of in the proper manner.And if you are having a tough time selling any unused items, and they are still usable, simply donate them to charity.Organizations such as The Salvation Army will take your unwanted clothing and donate them to those less fortunate.

Give Yourself Enough Time to Manage All the Various Aspects of your Move:



It’s recommended to begin planning your move roughly a month to two weeks before the move is scheduled to take place.Give yourself plenty of time so you are not stressing it!!

Do Not Purchase Grocery 2 weeks prior to Your Move:



You cannot effectively move the food in your fridge during the move day, as you run the risk of leaks, spills and spoiling.It is recommended that you do your last bit of grocery shopping at least 2 weeks prior to the move so that the majority of your food is at least consumed before you begin moving.

Defrost Your Fridge before Moving:



Pretty self-explanatory.

Remove Trash and Hazardous Materials:



A mover, by law, cannot move any hazardous materials or perishable items.Therefore, it is your responsibility to properly dispose of trash and to not include items such as propane, or gas along with your moving materials.

Take Care of Your Movers/ Helpers:



Whether you hired professionals or bothered your friends, show some appreciation to the people who are helping you move out of your house.Offer them water, refreshments, and make sure that they are properly cared for (after all they are the ones carrying your personal belongings!)

When Hiring Movers, Make Sure They Are Professionals:



The Better Business Bureau keeps a listing of all accredited business that are deemed legitimate in accordance with government regulations.You can check this site when hiring a mover to make sure that you are not taken advantage of by fraudulent moving companies.

Prepare Your Children for the Move:



Make sure your children are well accommodated during the moving process, and make sure they are kept well informed during the process.Children can become anxious moving into a new place, away from their friends and the places they were familiar.Simply reassuring your child or children can go along way in easing them into the transition.

Don’t Stress It:



Most people let the prospect of moving stress them out, worrying about their new neighborhood, their new neighbors, and the quality of their new residence.Simply remain calm and remember this is not the end of the world!The best advice would be to have friends or family assist you throughout the entire moving process so that you are not constantly worrying about the state of your belongings.Also its always cool to throw a housewarming party, invite neighbors and family so that you can make new friends, learn about your neighborhood, and not feel like a stranger in a strange land. has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.8/5 based on 2433 ratings and reviews