What Should You Look for When Hiring a Moving Company?

The Pro Move - Chicago Movers

The Pro Move - Chicago Movers

Moving is an expensive and stressful experience for most people. Nobody really likes to go through the process, but sometimes, it's necessary.

Finding a moving company you can trust will help to relieve your stress. There are several things you should look for before hiring a moving company. Here's a short list of the most important things.

Reputation Speaks Volumes

Any moving company worth using will have a great reputation online and offline. You can easily check out their online reputation by reading customer reviews. Of course, there may be a few poor reviews here and there, as nobody is perfect. However, you want to see the positive reviews outweighing the negative reviews.

Experience Plays a Factor

Another thing to look for when hiring a moving company is their experience. They don't need to be huge or even nationwide. However, they do need to be experienced. The last thing you want to do is hire some new moving company and find out they don't have a clue what they are doing.

It takes more than just a few guys with muscles to move your things. Experienced movers know how to lead their team and they know how to get your things from one place to another without damage. Check their website for an about page and find out how long they have been in business before hiring.

Proper Licensing

Every moving company should have the proper licensing for their business. If you run across a moving company without the right licensing, don't hire them. This could cause more issues than it's worth.

Check the Better Business Bureau

There are a few reasons why you always want to check the BBB before you hire a moving company. First, this will be the place you will find any serious complaints and discover if the company is a repeat offender. Second, a moving company with a high rating on the BBB is always a good sign. Finally, you will be able to search for any other business names they have used to see if they are avoiding a bad rating by switching names.

Get References

It may seem like a hassle, but any moving company worth hiring will be able to provide you with references. You can call the references and verify the company is a good choice by asking specific questions.

Watch out for the Large Deposit

When you hire a moving company, they may ask for a deposit up front. This isn't a good sign, in most cases. Reputable movers won't ask for any type of cash up front or large deposit before moving. They will ask you to pay upon delivery.

If you pay a moving company in advance, you lose control over the situation. You may never see your things again, they may not show up on time or at all or you may become a victim of some other type of scam. It's best to use a credit card, if you feel it’s okay to pay a deposit. This will give you at least some level of protection from fraud.

Whenever you need to hire a moving company, it's important to find the right choice for your specific needs. Don't take this process lightly, as there are many fly-by-night companies and scammers out there ready to take your money. Make sure you hire a reputable moving company with plenty of experience.

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How to Properly Pack Your Moving Boxes

Packing boxes is very important when you move. If the box is too heavy, it may break the bottom leaving you with a huge mess. Of course, if you don't pack your moving boxes properly, you may end up unpacking many broken items. If you want to ensure your boxes are packed properly, use our step-by-step process and tips below:

  1. Group similar items together by size and weight. Keep them separated by the room they belong within, as well.

  2. Get your box ready by covering the bottom with a layer of packing peanuts.

  3. Use bubble wrap or packing paper to wrap all of your heaviest items.

  4. Place the heaviest items on the bottom of the box.

  5. Wrap lighter items with packing paper or bubble wrap.

  6. Add a layer of cushion foam between the heavier items on the bottom of the box and the lighter items you will place on the top of the box.

  7. Before you complete the packing process, fill the rest of the box with packing peanuts or packing paper crumpled up and stuffed firmly into the spaces.

  8. Keep all filled boxes under 30 pounds in total weight, but make sure they are full. Under packed boxes could collapse during the move, while over packed boxes may rupture or may hurt your back as you move them.

  9. Close the box with packing tape and label it based on what's packed inside.

This step-by-step process will help keep lighter and fragile items from getting crushed by heavier items. It will also use the integrity of each box properly as you pack. We also recommend you look into using plastic totes from The Chicago Green Box.


Tips for Packing your Boxes Properly

There are several tips you should use when packing moving boxes including:

  1. Pack one room at a time - When you pack one room at a time, it's easier to label the boxes and keep all similar items together. This will make unpacking easier, as well.

  2. Use Bright Colored Tissue Paper for Small Items - Sometimes, smaller items get lost in the packing peanuts and packing paper. Instead of wrapping these items in the same packing paper, use bright colored tissue paper so they don't get lost.

  3. Use Different Colors for Different Rooms - You can use dot stickers or different colored markers to indicate which boxes belong in which room. This will make unpacking easier.

  4. Avoid Using Printed Newspaper for Packing - Printed Newspaper contains ink, which may bleed onto the item you are packing. Instead, use unprinted packing paper for all of your items

  5. Use Boxes Designed for Moving - It may be cheaper to get your boxes from a store or restaurant, but those boxes are not designed for moving. If you want the best results, use only boxes designed for moving.

  6. Avoid Odd Sized Boxes - Packing with boxes all of a similar size makes it easier when loading the moving truck.

Now you should easily be able to properly pack your moving boxes. Use our step-by-step process above and the tips we have provided and your move will go much smoother.

thepromove.com has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.8/5 based on 2433 ratings and reviews

Angi goes on record "Take this video, re-tweet it..."

"The Professionals: The most amazing Movers, Moving Company, in Chicago! "Angi 103.5 Kiss FM Fred & Angi in the morning

Angi from Chicago's 103.5 Kiss FM comments on her move, and how Chicago's most reviewed company on Yelp, The Professionals, "has done all of this for me... which is so amazing!"

"Lifting things like heavy boxes, couches and things like that [...] I had The Professionals doing it and they were awesome!" Angi talking about her Full-Service move using Eco-Friendly moving boxes, provided by The Chicago Greenbox

"The Professionals donate to Paws, which is amazing.  It's a charity close to my heart [and] my doggies"

Angi goes on record saying "I'd like for you to take this video, and re-Tweet it, hashtag it: #movers #Chicago #TheProfessionals #PAWS #Radio"

thepromove.com has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.8/5 based on 2433 ratings and reviews

Thunderstorm Safety

Responding appropriately during a thunderstorm

  • Listen to local news or NOAA Weather Radio for emergency updates. Watch for signs of a storm, like darkening skies, lightning flashes or increasing wind.

  • Postpone outdoor activities if thunderstorms are likely to occur. Many people struck by lightning are not in the area where rain is occurring.

  • If a severe thunderstorm warning is issued, take shelter in a substantial building or in a vehicle with the windows closed. Get out of mobile homes that can blow over in high winds.

  • If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be in danger from lightning. If thunder roars, go indoors! The National Weather Service recommends staying inside for at least 30 minutes after the last thunder clap.

  • Avoid electrical equipment and telephones. Use battery-powered TVs and radios instead.

  • Shutter windows and close outside doors securely. Keep away from windows.

  • Do not take a bath, shower or use plumbing.

  • If you are driving, try to safely exit the roadway and park. Stay in the vehicle and turn on the emergency flashers until the heavy rain ends. Avoid touching metal or other surfaces that conduct electricity in and outside the vehicle.

  • If you are outside and cannot reach a safe building, avoid high ground; water; tall, isolated trees; and metal objects such as fences or bleachers. Picnic shelters, dugouts and sheds are NOT safe.



thepromove.com has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.8/5 based on 2433 ratings and reviews