Kids While Moving
You've scheduled your moving date, you have a professional moving company coming to pack everything up, but you're worried about your children getting in the way. Should you hire a sitter to watch your kids, while the movers are doing their job?
Spending time with your children is very important, but there are times when you simply cannot have them underfoot. During a move is one of those times, especially if your children are young and require entertainment of some sort. Here are a few reasons why hiring a sitter when the movers arrive is a smart investment.
Saves you Money
If the movers are charging you per hour for every worker, you will pay more if it takes longer to get you packed up and moved. Getting the kids out of the way by hiring a sitter may cost you a few dollars, but it may actually save you time you'd pay for with a professional moving company.
More Packing will Get Done
Even if you only have the moving company coming to pick everything up, hiring a sitter can really benefit you. If you're doing the packing, you'll be able to pack much faster without your children in the way, asking questions and demanding your attention. A sitter will allow you to concentrate on packing and getting everything ready for the big moving day.
Handling Changes Becomes Easier
Even with the best moving plan and the top moving company, changes to your plan may occur. If children are involved in the move, they may not adjust to the change very well and it could cause an issue. For example, if a change occurs pushing back lunchtime, your children may throw a fit because they are hungry.
You can avoid the issue of dealing with changes by hiring a sitter and taking your children's need for stability out of the equation.
Children will be Busy, Entertained and on a Schedule
When you have a sitter taking care of the children, they will be kept busy, entertained and on a schedule. Most children really need a routine and when you go against that routine, it can be difficult for the kids to adjust. However, when you hire a sitter for your children on moving day, they won't have to adjust.
Could Actually be Free of Charge
If you have a grandparent, aunt, uncle or friend that loves your children and lives close by, you may not have to pay a dime for a sitter. What's better for the kids, spending time with a loving family member or spending time getting in your way and the mover's way? Let the day be a grandparent day or another relative day and the kids will be happier.
Hiring a Sitter While Unpacking
The same principles apply when you arrive at your new place and it's time to unpack. If the moving company you've hired for your move is doing the unpacking, you don't want to pay more because the kids are distracting and slowing them down. If you're doing the unpacking, you want to get it done and you don't want any delays. A sitter can help make it much easier to get unpacked and settled.
There are several good reasons to hire a sitter when moving day arrives. Even if you get the full service of having a professional moving company pack you up, move your things and unpack everything, you may save money by keeping your kids out of the way. Plus, it will be better on the children if they don't have to adjust as moving plans change.