When you’re preparing for the big move, one of the biggest parts of your agenda is getting your new home or apartment cleaned for your family to starting living here. Not only will you be thinking about cleaning up your old residence as you pack up boxes and bring them into a new home, but you’ll want to display all of your items in a sparkly clean new space.
For apartment dwellers, it could mean the difference between getting that security deposit back or not when it’s time to move out, while homeowners will want a clean space for this new permanent place to settle. Take a look at these tips to make sure your new home or apartment is properly cleaned before unpacking those boxes.
Clean the walls and places up high
It’s always easiest to clean from the top to the bottom so that the dust can fall to the ground and get wiped up last. Make sure to start by wiping the things that go above your head, like the dusty chandelier, ceiling fan, or blinds on the windows. Using a pillowcase will make it easy to wipe the blinds and the ceiling fan blades. Then after the dust has fallen, wipe down the walls with a large mop pad and a spray bottle of soapy, warm water.
Do the floors last
Once you’ve collected the dust from the ceiling and walls, it’s time to make those floors shine. Use a steam mop to clean your laminate, tile, or vinyl floors. Clean your hardwood floors with a specific hardwood cleaner, and then rent a steam cleaner for your carpets.
Author: Aqua Mechanical; Source: Flickr
Disinfect around the home
You’ll want to make sure you disinfect the places that everyone touches to make sure you are removing germs before your family touches everything. This includes all of the doorknobs, deadbolts, and light switches. Then look at less obvious spots, like the thermostat, the alarm pad, the toilet, and the fridge handles.
Bathroom & Kitchen
While you’re in the bathroom and kitchen, you’re going to want to scrub those cabinets from the inside out before placing your toiletries or dishes inside. Use baking soda and water with a sponge to wipe away any stains. Then get the bathroom exhaust fan, which has likely collected lint over time, using bursts of canned air to avoid a fire hazard in the future.
After that, scour the bathtub with a scrubbing powder using borax, kosher salt, and baking soda with a damp sponge. Give your home a fresh toilet seat replacement so that you don’t feel like you are using the equivalent of a public restroom.
Make sure the kitchen gets a deep cleaning to the fridge and dishwasher, the most commonly used appliances. The dishwasher can be run on hot water with white vinegar on the top rack and a cup of baking soda on the bottom before wiping down the seal. The fridge will need everything removed, shelves and drawers soaked in the sink or bathtub, and a vacuuming the coils of your freezer after unplugging from the wall.
Don’t worry about trying to perfectly clean every inch of your new home for your family’s safety and health. Focus on these areas and your house will feel good as new for your family.