The moving process is an overwhelming one, and it can be easy to forget to handle certain details. You may be tempted to choose the first moving company you come across without comparing option, just like you may find it tempting to just pack everything up without getting rid of unused things first.
Did you pay for a bunch of moving boxes you'll never use? Did you look into Green Moving Solutions? There are so many things to keep track of and handle before the move that preparing ahead time will help you avoid rushing through the process and neglecting important tasks. Jot down these 6 things that you may forget to do when moving so that you can cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s.
Sort your items and label the boxes
First, you’ll want to start looking at your items to see if there are things you no longer need. It’s smart to do this before a move so that you can spend less on moving expenses. Sometimes there are things you never use or that you know you’re ready to part with, such as furniture that won’t look good in the new house, wardrobe items, or old holiday items.
Consider what items would be great for donating or put in a garage sale to earn some extra cash for the move. When it’s time to pack everything up, be sure to label each box thoroughly and remind yourself which room each box was intended for, such as “kitchen box” or “bedroom.” We have free moving labels available if you need them!
Get the pets a check-up
Since you’re moving somewhere new, it may take time to find a new doctor, dentist, and vet. Now is the time to get your pet in for a check-up before going somewhere new, and to ensure your pet is handling the stress of the move well. Your pet’s health is important before taking a long trip to a new place, and it will help to have updated pet records from your current vet for when you go to a new vet.
Collect important documents
Now is the time to gather and maintain important documents for your move. You don’t want to have to dig through boxes to find your resume, medical records, or school records when you need them in your new town. Keep your important documents and records handy so as to not pack them into boxes that may not get unpacked for a while.
Compare moving companies
Be sure to do your homework to find a reputable moving company (*wink wink*) rather than hiring the one with the best price or the first one on your google search. Be sure to compare services, prices, conditions, and reviews, and select a reliable moving company in your area that can prove they are licensed and insured, will do an in-home visit, and has a great reputation in the community.
Create your moving checklist
Creating a moving checklist will help you avoid forgetting some of these tasks and others that may slip your mind later. Remind yourself to call for quotes with moving companies, to call around for free moving boxes, and to get utilities set up at your new home.
Remind yourself to redirect your mail and have the furniture sent to your home the day after you’ve moved everything. Be sure to have all of the times and dates on your checklist, as well as things to do and things not to forget on there.
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Pack an essentials box
Lastly, make sure you pack a “first week essentials” box. This should include things you’ll need to access right away, such as a shower curtain and towels, cookware and cups, as well as medicine and dog food. These types of things can end up packed with your regular household goods, and make the time after your move a stressful one.
These are the top 6 things that you won’t want to forget to do when it’s time for your upcoming move.