How to Plan and Organize Your Move Like A Pro

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How to Plan and Organize Your Move Like A Pro

Moving can be a stressful experience, but it doesn't have to be when you take the time to plan and organize your move like an expert. Let’s look at some of the ways you can plan and organize your move better.

Make a List

A list is an indispensable tool for keeping track of all the tasks you need to do during a move. You can make one using pen and paper, or utilize an app or online calendar to organize your moving tasks.

Establish a timeline for your move, setting dates for each stage. Early work could include getting the new address and setting up utilities; middle-stage tasks might involve clearing out unnecessary items; and late work could include organizing storage.

Get Organized

Moving can be a grueling experience that necessitates meticulous organization. To make the process smoother, start early with planning.

Start by creating a moving binder. Here, you can store all of your information such as mover contracts, loan documents, receipts, inventory lists, and checklists, plus schedules and change of address documents in one convenient location.

Organizing all this information in one convenient location makes it effortless to locate what you need, eliminating the stress of having everything scattered around the house. Furthermore, this makes moving less stressful both emotionally and financially, helping avoid potential headaches in the future.

Make a Meal Plan

Maintaining a nutritious diet during relocation can keep you feeling energized and save money by forgoing takeout or delivery services.

Be sure to plan ahead for breakfast and lunch as well. Doing so will save you time in the kitchen when completing tasks.

Think about packing sandwiches and wraps that you can grab on the go, such as sandwiches and wraps that can be prepared ahead of time and stored in a cooler. Additionally, pack lunch bags full of easy finger foods like raw vegetables, cheese sticks, crackers, and hard-boiled eggs - the possibilities are endless!

Create a Do Not Pack Zone

Maintaining an organized do not pack zone can help you stay calm during the moving process. It also makes it simpler to put away your belongings when you reach your new residence.

Begin with the least used room of your home and purge it of items you no longer require or desire. After clearing away the clutter, you can then move on to packing up other rooms.

This method, similar to the KonMari Method, can be beneficial if you've amassed too much clutter over the years that you don't need anymore. It's also a great way to part with items that you don't like and won't fit well in your new home.

Create a Moving Day Schedule

A moving day schedule can help you stay organized and focused during your move. Plus, it's an effective way to enlist the support of family members in preparation for the big move.

Start by creating a timeline that details when the professional movers will load your truck, when the packers arrive, and when you can expect to leave your home while packing takes place. This way, you'll know precisely when everything needs to be done!

Label your boxes according to the room they will occupy in your new residence and number them if possible. Doing this can save time and energy unpacking once everything is settled!

With these tips, you can plan and organize your move like a pro and take the stress out of moving. has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.8/5 based on 2433 ratings and reviews