Top Tips for Moving on a Budget

Moving can be a stressful and expensive experience. The cost of moving can include large expenses like paying local Chicago movers or rental truck fees, as well as smaller ones like packing supplies.

But there are ways to keep the costs of moving low. By following these tips, you can save money and have a smooth transition into your new home.

Best Tips for a Budget Move

1. Don’t Overpack

When packing for a move, it's essential not to overpack. Too much weight in a box can make it difficult to transport and may result in damage to your belongings.

Overpacking your boxes can make hiring a mover more costly, leading to higher moving expenses. To minimize this cost, try packing heavier items into smaller containers.

Particularly with books, which can be heavy and accumulate quickly. Furthermore, packing personal and fragile items separately helps ensure they don't get damaged during transit.

2. Don’t Overpay for a Moving Company

Selecting a moving company is an integral part of your relocation experience, so be mindful when selecting one. Doing so can help you avoid overpaying and guarantee that all of your belongings will be safely relocated.

You should request your mover to provide you with a detailed quote for their services and costs, including any fees associated with packing materials or other additional charges.

If they fail to provide this information, be wary and steer clear!

Another red flag should be raised if they charge by weight instead of space in the truck. Most reliable movers base their prices on how much room their vehicles occupy, not weight alone.

Additionally, make sure to obtain a binding estimate rather than just a non-binding one; non-binding estimates allow movers to add unexpected fees if you decide against moving.

3. Don’t Overpay for Moving Supplies

Avoid overspending on moving supplies by planning ahead. Take advantage of sales and discounts to stock up on bulk packages of packing tape and other necessary items.

Additionally, it's wise to collect boxes that you can reuse for your move. Gather them from grocery stores, office supply stores, and other establishments that typically discard them.

Another way to reduce moving expenses is to consider selling items you won't use in your new place. For instance, if a couch or sofa won't fit, ask your current landlord if you can leave it behind or sell it for less than the cost of shipping it.

4. Don’t Overpay for a Moving Truck

No matter if you hire a moving company or rent one yourself, the size of your truck plays an integral part in the success of your move. Selecting too small a vehicle could require multiple trips to your new home - leading to additional labor and gas expenses for both you and the movers.

Renting a truck that is too large will leave you without enough room for all of your belongings, potentially leading to overpayment for extra space that is unnecessary. That is why it is so important not to overpay when renting a moving truck: having enough room is key!

5. Don’t Overpay for Storage

When renting a storage unit for moving, it's essential not to overpay. This is an often made mistake when renting space to store belongings, but there are some simple strategies you can use to ensure you don't end up spending more than necessary on storage costs.

One way to accomplish this is to assess your belongings and decide which items you no longer require or want. If you're on a tight budget, selling these items online or holding a garage sale can be an excellent way to generate extra money for other necessities. Finally, remember to pack everything correctly and label everything placed in storage - this will save time and money in the long run.

Use these moving tips to make it easier to move on a budget. has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.8/5 based on 2433 ratings and reviews