How to Make Moving Day Fun

Moving day is very stressful for most people. When we go through huge changes, the transition can be difficult. You may not get as much sleep, you may be doing more physical work than you’re used to, and you may have pets or children to think about.

While moving day may be stressful, there are things you can do to make moving day fun. Here are a few ways you can make your moving day more fun and less stressful.

Create a Packing and Unpacking Playlist

It's actually rather amazing how the right music can set the mood and make you feel like a boring task is far more fun. Creating a playlist for packing can help to keep you motivated. Keep this playlist upbeat and more of a motivational type of music.

You also want an unpacking playlist, which should be upbeat, but you can give it a bit more of a relaxed vibe since the hardest part about moving is over. With two playlists, you can stay motivated and make moving more fun.

Having fun on moving day

Make Your Life Easier

When you're packing, think about how you will be unpacking. This will make it more fun because things will be easier. For example, if you have clothing already on the hanger, pack it on the hangers. Then, when you unpack, you don't have to spend as much time putting each piece on a hanger before hanging it in the closet.

In addition, pack kitchen things that are found in drawer organizers in the organizers. Then you can just grab the organizer and slide it into your new drawer.

Break Your Diet

Moving day is the perfect time to break your diet. It will keep things fun and help you feel like it's a special occasion. Choose something you would not usually eat, such as cookies, candy bars or something else you really love. Eat it on your breaks and enjoy the day a bit more.

Bribe Yourself

During the move, set up a system of reward and bribe yourself to get the work done. For example, if you really love golf, tell yourself that if you can get everything unpacked in the first week you arrive, you can book a tee time for your favorite course.

This gives you something special to work towards, but you do have to hold yourself to it. With the right bribe, you can motivate yourself to work hard and get the packing, unpacking or moving done.

Don't Forget to Make it Fun for the Kids

If you're moving with kids, make it fun for them, too. Create a box fort with a few empty boxes to help them have some fun and keep them entertained while you take care of business. In addition, turn it into a party. This can help to keep things fun and keep the mood light.

When it's time to move, you want to make sure you keep in mind how special the occasion is. You're turning a page in your life, even if you're just moving up the road. Hire the right residential moving company and make sure you take the time to plan for moving to be fun. has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.8/5 based on 2433 ratings and reviews