Tips for Moving With a Newborn Baby

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Tips for Moving With a Newborn Baby

There's a ton going on. You just had a baby and now you have to move. Your life may seem like it's one big blur during this time, but you can make moving with a newborn baby easier. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Create a Routine and Stick to it

Babies need a routine and you need to stick to it. If you get your baby on a schedule, you can easily work in the packing and unpacking when they are napping or when they are entertained by your spouse.

Since you know your baby needs a routine, create one for yourself and spread out the packing and unpacking. Don't rush yourself and instead of trying to do it all in a few days, take the time to do it one piece at a time. After all, you're a new parent and you should be able to enjoy this time.

Lean on Childcare

If possible, use childcare to help you, especially on the actual moving day. Whether it's a trusted friend, family member or babysitter, let someone else watch your child while you move. You can even do this if you need a day to really catch up on packing or even just on sleep to ensure you have the energy for the move.

Moving with a baby

Pack Your Baby Bag

It would be a huge mistake to pack away all the baby stuff and forget to leave out the things you need. Pack a baby bag to carry with you anywhere you go. This should include at least three days of supplies for your baby to ensure you have enough food, diapers, pacifiers and other things for the move.

If you're moving a long distance, you may need to pack a week to a month worth of supplies. The last thing you want to do is arrive and not have diapers when you need them.

Unpack the Baby Stuff First

If you label your boxes and you pack the truck properly, you can unload and unpack the baby stuff first. If the nursery is set up first, you'll find it far easier to live in your new home while you unpack everything else.

Keep the nursery as similar to the setup from your old home as possible. This will help to make sure the baby is happy and feels comfortable. Also, make sure to watch out for any dangers in the room when you're putting together the crib and other items.

Baby Proof the New Home

Before you start unpacking everything, take the time to baby proof your new home. It's much easier to do this when you don't have anything in the house than when the home is full of things. AS you unpack, make sure to secure furniture and other items that could cause a hazard to your newborn.

There are several ways to make your move with your newborn baby smoother. Hiring a skilled residential moving company may be the perfect way to make moving easier. They will likely be able to pack and unpack your things for you, as well. has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.8/5 based on 2433 ratings and reviews